Got a question?
Find the answer to the most common questions we get asked about investing in a lodge here at Whitsand Bay Fort.
If you can't find the answer here, please contact us and we will answer any other questions you want to ask.


The most common questions

Can I live in my lodge all year round, or are there occupancy restrictions?
What happens to my lodge if the site owner or operator goes out of business or sells the business to someone else?
Can I sub-let my lodge?
Can I take my lodge somewhere else if I wish?
Can I move my lodge to an even better plot at Whitsand Bay Fort if one becomes available?
Apart from paying for the lodge itself, what other fees and costs will I have to pay?
If I buy a lodge with a sea view, will you guarantee that no-one will build anything to block that view?
Is the site at risk from coastal erosion?